Sunday, October 16, 2011

Personal Evangelism Tips

You can turn ordinary conversations into opportunities to share the Gospel. Here are some suggestions:

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When someone asks: "Could you tell me what time it is?"

Answer: "According to my watch or according to the Bible?"

Continue the conversation: Give them the actual time, but share that the Bible also speaks of time. It says it is time for all who do not know the Lord to repent and come to Him.

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When someone asks: "What's new?"

Answer: "What kind of news do you want to hear? Good news or bad news?"

Continue the conversation: Their response will probably be "Good news"--so share the good news of the Gospel.

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When someone bumps you accidentally and says: "Excuse me. I am sorry."

Answer: "That's okay. Accidents will happen. Or maybe it wasn't an accident. . ."

Continue the conversation: "Perhaps this was meant to happen so I could share something very special with you."

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When a clerk gives you too much change, return the money and say: "You gave me back too much money."

Continue the conversation: "There was a time in my life when I would have kept it, but since I became a Christian things have changed." Then share how the Gospel has impacted your life.

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When a store clerk asks: "May I help you?"

Answer: "Yes, if you will permit me to help you in return."

Continue the conversation: The clerk will probably ask, "How can you help me?" Tell her!

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When someone asks for a light for a cigarette, say: "I do not use them since the explosion."

Continue the conversation: It is almost guaranteed that the person will ask, "What explosion?" Answer, "The one that took place in my life when I became a Christian."

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When you answer a telephone and the person says, "Sorry. I have the wrong number."

Answer: "No, you really dialed the right number."

Continue the conversation: They will probably say, "What do you mean.?" Tell them that perhaps this happened to provide them an opportunity to hear about something that can change their life and eternal destiny.

* * *

Can you think of other unique opportunities that every day contacts might provide in terms of sharing the Gospel? Think about this, prepare some responses of your own, and be ready to use them.

Always remember, however, no one approach is right in every situation. Be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. His approach is always the right one!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Today I'm studying about revival and the fact that revival is most needed when a backslidden condition is apparent.  There was a list of ways you could tell if there is a backslidden condition in your own life.  I wanted to copy it here so that I can refer to it frequently in order to check my heart and see if there is any backslidden way in my own life.  As I was studying this today there were a couple of things that stabbed at me in the present.  I hope to keep these things in mind so that I can catch myself more quickly if I start to slide again.


Here are some evidences of a backslidden condition. Examine your own heart and life as you study this list. You are entering into a backslidden condition...

1. When prayer ceases to be a vital part of your life. It has been said that "revival delays because prayer decays.” In New Testament times, we found men in the upper room agonizing. We now find believers in the supper room organizing.

2. When the quest for Biblical truth ceases and you become content with the knowledge you have already acquired. This is not to say backsliders do not read the Bible. Many of them have habits of dutiful devotions, but while they read the words they do not receive fresh revelation and application of the truth. The knowledge they acquire is treated as facts and not applied to their lives.

3. When thoughts about eternal things cease to be regular and/or important.

4. When you pardon your own sin with self-righteousness and by saying "the Lord knows I am just dust" or "that is the way I am.”

5. When pointed spiritual discussions are an embarrassment. For examples, discussions about things that are convicting and/or witnessing to the lost make you uncomfortable.

6. When other things like recreation, sports, and entertainment become first in your life.

7. When sin can be indulged in without protest by your conscience.

8. When aspirations of Christ-like holiness are no longer dominant in your life.

9. When the acquisition of money and goods becomes dominant in your thinking.

10. When you can hear the Lord's name taken in vain, spiritual concerns mocked, and eternal issues flippantly treated and not be moved to indignation and action.

11. When "worship" becomes a weariness. Church services lose their excitement, you can mouth religious songs and words without heart, there is no song in your heart, no praise with the ring of joy.

12. When breaches of unity in the fellowship are of no concern to you.

13. When the slightest excuse seems sufficient to keep you from Christian service.

14. When your fleshly senses are out of control: You watch degrading movies and television, listen to ungodly music, and read morally debilitating literature.

15. When you adjust happily to the world's lifestyle: For examples, unpaid debts, bankruptcy, lying, dishonesty, unkept appointments and promises, immodest styles of dress, cheating your employer of a full day's work, etc.

16. When your lack of spiritual power no longer concerns you; there is no restless yearning for more of God and His power in your life.

17. When your church has fallen into spiritual decline. Such spiritual decline is indicated by carnality. A carnal church may have...
-Equipment, but not evangelism.
-Commotion, but not creation.
-Action, but not unction.
-Rattle, but not revival.
-A dogmatic attitude, but not be dynamic for God.
Such spiritual decline is also indicated when the Word of God is no longer preached with power in your church and yet you are content.

18. When the moral, political spiritual, and economic condition of the world and your nation is of no concern to you.

19. When your heart is hard: Your tears do not flow easily, you are uncaring, abrupt, etc. You do not weep over the things which Jesus wept like a lost city, the spiritual condition of man, the sorrows of others.

20. When you have lost your spiritual strength, and do not even realize it. Revival is never more needed than when a church or individual suppose themselves victorious on the front lines of battle, but in reality all around are the scarred corpses of the victims of its backslidings.

Monday, September 19, 2011


I haven't been around on my blog for a while.  It's not that I haven't had any "God moments", I just haven't taken the time to record them.  Today, I've been thinking about vampires.  Vampires are all the rage right now and I think a lot of it has to do with the romantic ideal of immortality.  We fear death, so we romanticize immortality.  Truth of the matter is, we are all immortal, we just won't live forever on this planet.  The big question is, will our eternity be in heaven or hell?

When someone asks Jesus into their lives, they are choosing heaven.  Some people insist that they are not choosing at all, but, in actuality, they are choosing hell.  Jesus is the only way to get to heaven.  Some will just come right out and tell you they choose hell.  Those that don't want to choose at all confuse me.  I mean, if you were going on a vacation, when you purchase your plane ticket, you know exactly where you are going.  Of course, when you purchase that ticket, you are given a date and time for your departure, but, things don't always work out that way.  Flights get delayed and even cancelled at times.  But you wouldn't put off buying the ticket because of uncertainty of travel time.  Why put off choosing your eternal destination until you think it's closer to time for your "trip"?  If you choose the things of this world over Jesus because you think you still need time to have some "fun", you are, in essence, purchasing your ticket to hell. 

As someone who once held a ticket to hell, but has now chose to walk towards heaven, I can tell you with complete assurance, it is not more fun.  When I was "having my fun", I was absolutely miserable.  Yes, there were times I thought I was on cloud nine.  There were times I thought I was having the time of my life.  But, in between, there were depressing, miserable moments that I just hated living and I was without hope.  Now, however, I have a joy that is unexplainable.  Life is so much more fun when you're not weighed down with the chains of alcohol or drug abuse.  Life is so much more fun when you're not weighed down with the chains of sin that had me bound.  There are still moments of hardship and pain.  I still have "down" days.  But, they are no longer without hope.  God has planted this peace within me, that, no matter how hard times get, I still have this peace.  I know He's in control, I know He's with me, I know everything will be ok.  I don't want to give up and die (as I did before).  I want to live, and I want to live for God.  Thank God that He spared me when I was lost in my sin and gave me a chance at a new life with Him at the center of it.  I pray for anyone that reads this, if you don't already know Christ as your savior, don't wait until it's too late.  Or, if you believe in Christ, yet you don't fully understand what I mean about His peace thru times of trials, maybe you could take a moment to see if you are fully living for Him.  Have you given Him your all?  Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect.  As much as I long to give Him my all, I fail at doing so regularly.  I'm just saying that if you don't know the peace I'm talking about, won't you please make sure you are holding the right ticket?  There are some forgeries out there that people get tangled up in.  It may look like a ticket to heaven, but it's a one way trip to hell.  Make sure you have the real thing.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Jesus is the head

Colossians 1:18 tells us "he is the head of the body, the church".  Today, I see this scripture in a new light.  Jesus is the head of the body of Christ.  The church makes up the body of Christ.  And we, the believers, are the church, so we are the body of Christ.  Now, when you think about your own body, what is the purpose of your head?  Your head cannot go anywhere by itself, it has to be carried around on top of your body.  Your body provides the feet to your head, and carries out all actions for your head.  In the same way, we have to be the feet for Jesus.  He needs our bodies to carry out His actions. 

The head is also our central communication center.  Our body only moves because our heads tell it to.  Our body is tuned into whatever our heads tell it to do.  If our head tells our body to walk to the kitchen and grab an apple, our body carries out this action perfectly.  In the same way, we need to be tuned into Jesus.  We must practice hearing Him, so that when He gives us a task to carry out, we will carry it out without giving it another thought, knowing that it's our Shepherd guiding us. 

Let us not grow weary listening to the voice of our Lord so that we can take advantage of the opportunity to put feet to our faith.  If we truly believe that He is the head and we are the body, I don't believe we would ever be content to just parking ourselves on a church pew once or twice (or maybe even three times) a week!  Let's listen to what work the Lord has for us to do each day. 

I love you, Lord.  Here I am, use me!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Is your heart right with God?

I'm studying on the tongue at the moment.  You know that tiny member of the body that can cause the most damage?  Most people are familiar with the scripture that says:

But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.
(Matthew 15:18-20)

Therefore it's important that our heart is right with God so that what comes out of our mouth will be right with God also.  Ironically enough, the way to get our heart right with God is with the tongue:

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
(Romans 10:9-10)

You will be held responsible for every word that comes out of your mouth, even those spoken in the heat of the moment.  That's why it is so important to confess all sin and hide God's Word away in our heart.  If we take the time to fill our heart full of God, then we don't have to worry about what comes out of our mouths during those heated moments.  I know I want to be sure my heart is full of good things, because I want to share good things with others always so I may say:

My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.
(Psalms 49:3)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Encourage yourself in the Lord

And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.
(1 Samuel 30:6)

The Amalekites had invaded and taken all their wives and children captive.  When David and his men returned to find their families gone and their homes burned down, they were all greatly grieved.  Two of David's wives were among the captives.  The people were so upset, they wanted to take it out on David.  Instead of letting his grief get the better of him, and allowing the people to do what they will, David encouraged himself in the Lord.  There are times when we are so fed up with the way our lives are going, we just want to give up.  We ask for a sign, we ask for prayer, we ask others what we are doing wrong, hoping they will give us the exact word of encouragement we need to hear.  But, there are times when there just aren't any words that our friends can give us.  We can't always wait for someone else to provide the encouragement that we need to go on.  There are times when you have to encourage yourself in the Lord.  You have to take the initiative.  You have to just do it yourself with God's help.  That's the greatest thing about having a relationship with Him.  You never have to do anything alone ever again.  :)

God bless you, my friends.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spiritual Warfare

In my studying, I'm learning how we have to use defensive warfare when Satan attacks us, and we are initiating offensive warfare when we are claiming new territory for God, such as sharing the gospel with others.  I'm currently studying the parallels between natural warfare and spiritual warfare.

In natural war, soldiers go through much training.  They learn all they can about the enemy, they learn how to use their weapons to their full advantage, they use intelligence officers to gather more information to give themselves the advantage.

In spiritual war, many Christian soldiers face the war without any training.  They don't take the time to read their Bible (our greatest source of intelligence), they don't spend the time talking to their Chief Officer about the battle plan for the day, they aren't even aware of their spiritual weapons and have no idea how to use them.  If you are a Christian, you are entering this war every day, like it or not.  Would you ever enter a natural battlefield without the proper training?  Why throw yourself into the spiritual battlefield without the proper training?

Read your Bible, know what it says, memorize scripture that will be useful to defend yourself with (just as Jesus did when He was tempted), talk to the Father about any worries you have and cast all your fears upon Him.  He is our Great Commander and He won't lead us astray. 

I want to share this one section from my studies:

A great general in the natural world once told his troops, "We are not going to dig foxholes and wait for the enemy to come shooting at us. We are going to move ahead, and move fast." (A foxhole is a hole in the ground in which a soldier can hide). The general said, "When you dig a foxhole, you dig a grave. When you are in that foxhole and fire at the enemy, he knows your exact location...We will keep moving and the enemy will always hit where we have been and not where we are." This general did not believe in defense. His theory was that if the enemy was constantly under attack, there would not be any need to defend. He realized that the force moving in offensive warfare had advantage over the defending forces. He said, "We will fight on our terms and we will win."

In spiritual warfare, he who understands the objective of warfare as the defeat of the enemy will not easily be reduced to a defensive position. To gain total victory, offensive fronts are required.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Sometimes I think of people that work so hard to "keep up with the Jones'" and how stressful they make their lives, working so hard to buy more and more stuff.  Those who live by the motto of, "He who dies with the most stuff, wins" really have a sad life.  The are driven by jealousy and greed.  I'm thankful for my simple life.  There are, occasionally, "things" I'd like to have, but I wouldn't really be upset if I never had it.  I usually count on not ever having it.  Then it's more of a joy when I do receive it. 

But even those who are not driven to a life full of jealousy and greed, we still have to watch out for that little green eyed monster.  He doesn't always show up in our lives as the one who wants the newest car like our best friend has, or the big swimming pool like our neighbor just put in.  I know I have to watch out more for the "why does it seem God is working more in their life than mine?"  Or "why can't I have such a successful ministry too?"  Even if they are "God" things I'm coveting, it is still coveting!  God deals with each person individually and does a different work with and through each person individually.  We cannot compare ourselves to others in such a way.  Just as Jesus told Peter, "Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me." (John 21:22)  Regardless of what God is or isn't doing through others, we must only concern ourselves with what we are doing for Him.  God may have called us to be like Jeremiah, rejected by every single person we speak to, persecuted and despised, and yet still expected to continue sharing what He asks us to share.  It feels good to see positive results when you reach out with God's love, but, even when we don't, we still have to push on and keep doing what God's asked of us. 

Let's take a moment to be a bit more aware of what motivates us at times and remember, "If I will that he tarry til I come, what is that to thee?  FOLLOW THOU ME." 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spiritual Warfare

I've been studying Spiritual Warfare currently and posted this on my facebook a few days ago. 
As I'm studying on Spiritual Warfare, I read this, "Everyone is involved in this war. No one is exempt from this battle. No one can view it from a distance. You are in the midst of conflict whether you acknowledge it or not. If you believe it will get better, you are wrong. The Christian warfare never ceases." Well, isn't that comforting?
The part about warfare never ceasing was what I was sarcastically referring to as comforting.  But, since I posted this, I've actually gotten great comfort from this quote, from the first part of it. "Everyone is involved in this war.  No one is exempt from this battle."  As scary as facing off with the devil seems, you have to do it whether you like it or not.  But the great thing is, we aren't in this alone.  And, He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world!  So, bring it on, because I'm the one with the power in this battlefield!