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Answer: "According to my watch or according to the Bible?"
Continue the conversation: Give them the actual time, but share that the Bible also speaks of time. It says it is time for all who do not know the Lord to repent and come to Him.
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Answer: "What kind of news do you want to hear? Good news or bad news?"
Continue the conversation: Their response will probably be "Good news"--so share the good news of the Gospel.
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Answer: "That's okay. Accidents will happen. Or maybe it wasn't an accident. . ."
Continue the conversation: "Perhaps this was meant to happen so I could share something very special with you."
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Continue the conversation: "There was a time in my life when I would have kept it, but since I became a Christian things have changed." Then share how the Gospel has impacted your life.
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Answer: "Yes, if you will permit me to help you in return."
Continue the conversation: The clerk will probably ask, "How can you help me?" Tell her!
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Continue the conversation: It is almost guaranteed that the person will ask, "What explosion?" Answer, "The one that took place in my life when I became a Christian."
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Answer: "No, you really dialed the right number."
Continue the conversation: They will probably say, "What do you mean.?" Tell them that perhaps this happened to provide them an opportunity to hear about something that can change their life and eternal destiny.
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Always remember, however, no one approach is right in every situation. Be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. His approach is always the right one!
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