Thursday, September 22, 2011


Today I'm studying about revival and the fact that revival is most needed when a backslidden condition is apparent.  There was a list of ways you could tell if there is a backslidden condition in your own life.  I wanted to copy it here so that I can refer to it frequently in order to check my heart and see if there is any backslidden way in my own life.  As I was studying this today there were a couple of things that stabbed at me in the present.  I hope to keep these things in mind so that I can catch myself more quickly if I start to slide again.


Here are some evidences of a backslidden condition. Examine your own heart and life as you study this list. You are entering into a backslidden condition...

1. When prayer ceases to be a vital part of your life. It has been said that "revival delays because prayer decays.” In New Testament times, we found men in the upper room agonizing. We now find believers in the supper room organizing.

2. When the quest for Biblical truth ceases and you become content with the knowledge you have already acquired. This is not to say backsliders do not read the Bible. Many of them have habits of dutiful devotions, but while they read the words they do not receive fresh revelation and application of the truth. The knowledge they acquire is treated as facts and not applied to their lives.

3. When thoughts about eternal things cease to be regular and/or important.

4. When you pardon your own sin with self-righteousness and by saying "the Lord knows I am just dust" or "that is the way I am.”

5. When pointed spiritual discussions are an embarrassment. For examples, discussions about things that are convicting and/or witnessing to the lost make you uncomfortable.

6. When other things like recreation, sports, and entertainment become first in your life.

7. When sin can be indulged in without protest by your conscience.

8. When aspirations of Christ-like holiness are no longer dominant in your life.

9. When the acquisition of money and goods becomes dominant in your thinking.

10. When you can hear the Lord's name taken in vain, spiritual concerns mocked, and eternal issues flippantly treated and not be moved to indignation and action.

11. When "worship" becomes a weariness. Church services lose their excitement, you can mouth religious songs and words without heart, there is no song in your heart, no praise with the ring of joy.

12. When breaches of unity in the fellowship are of no concern to you.

13. When the slightest excuse seems sufficient to keep you from Christian service.

14. When your fleshly senses are out of control: You watch degrading movies and television, listen to ungodly music, and read morally debilitating literature.

15. When you adjust happily to the world's lifestyle: For examples, unpaid debts, bankruptcy, lying, dishonesty, unkept appointments and promises, immodest styles of dress, cheating your employer of a full day's work, etc.

16. When your lack of spiritual power no longer concerns you; there is no restless yearning for more of God and His power in your life.

17. When your church has fallen into spiritual decline. Such spiritual decline is indicated by carnality. A carnal church may have...
-Equipment, but not evangelism.
-Commotion, but not creation.
-Action, but not unction.
-Rattle, but not revival.
-A dogmatic attitude, but not be dynamic for God.
Such spiritual decline is also indicated when the Word of God is no longer preached with power in your church and yet you are content.

18. When the moral, political spiritual, and economic condition of the world and your nation is of no concern to you.

19. When your heart is hard: Your tears do not flow easily, you are uncaring, abrupt, etc. You do not weep over the things which Jesus wept like a lost city, the spiritual condition of man, the sorrows of others.

20. When you have lost your spiritual strength, and do not even realize it. Revival is never more needed than when a church or individual suppose themselves victorious on the front lines of battle, but in reality all around are the scarred corpses of the victims of its backslidings.

Monday, September 19, 2011


I haven't been around on my blog for a while.  It's not that I haven't had any "God moments", I just haven't taken the time to record them.  Today, I've been thinking about vampires.  Vampires are all the rage right now and I think a lot of it has to do with the romantic ideal of immortality.  We fear death, so we romanticize immortality.  Truth of the matter is, we are all immortal, we just won't live forever on this planet.  The big question is, will our eternity be in heaven or hell?

When someone asks Jesus into their lives, they are choosing heaven.  Some people insist that they are not choosing at all, but, in actuality, they are choosing hell.  Jesus is the only way to get to heaven.  Some will just come right out and tell you they choose hell.  Those that don't want to choose at all confuse me.  I mean, if you were going on a vacation, when you purchase your plane ticket, you know exactly where you are going.  Of course, when you purchase that ticket, you are given a date and time for your departure, but, things don't always work out that way.  Flights get delayed and even cancelled at times.  But you wouldn't put off buying the ticket because of uncertainty of travel time.  Why put off choosing your eternal destination until you think it's closer to time for your "trip"?  If you choose the things of this world over Jesus because you think you still need time to have some "fun", you are, in essence, purchasing your ticket to hell. 

As someone who once held a ticket to hell, but has now chose to walk towards heaven, I can tell you with complete assurance, it is not more fun.  When I was "having my fun", I was absolutely miserable.  Yes, there were times I thought I was on cloud nine.  There were times I thought I was having the time of my life.  But, in between, there were depressing, miserable moments that I just hated living and I was without hope.  Now, however, I have a joy that is unexplainable.  Life is so much more fun when you're not weighed down with the chains of alcohol or drug abuse.  Life is so much more fun when you're not weighed down with the chains of sin that had me bound.  There are still moments of hardship and pain.  I still have "down" days.  But, they are no longer without hope.  God has planted this peace within me, that, no matter how hard times get, I still have this peace.  I know He's in control, I know He's with me, I know everything will be ok.  I don't want to give up and die (as I did before).  I want to live, and I want to live for God.  Thank God that He spared me when I was lost in my sin and gave me a chance at a new life with Him at the center of it.  I pray for anyone that reads this, if you don't already know Christ as your savior, don't wait until it's too late.  Or, if you believe in Christ, yet you don't fully understand what I mean about His peace thru times of trials, maybe you could take a moment to see if you are fully living for Him.  Have you given Him your all?  Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect.  As much as I long to give Him my all, I fail at doing so regularly.  I'm just saying that if you don't know the peace I'm talking about, won't you please make sure you are holding the right ticket?  There are some forgeries out there that people get tangled up in.  It may look like a ticket to heaven, but it's a one way trip to hell.  Make sure you have the real thing.